Tuesday, 15 October 2013

a new beginning....:3

Bismillah ,
‘ayah x nak hantar kalau x de tajaan’,beloved father
‘seboleh-bolehnya mak nak ami jadi hafiz’ , amila satu-satunya harapan mak nak anak hafiz’, beloved mother.
‘pendapat abg pidioh , ami g aucms’, 1st abang (medical officer aka doctor)
‘stakat ni , kak aina tengok graduan aucms ok..knowledge pun mantap’, kak ipar ( housemanship)
‘abg x kisah , yg mana ada tajaan ami p situ’, 2nd abang(petroleum engineer)
 ‘akak rasa lega ami dapat aucms’ ,akak (student Egypt tahun 5)
‘Kalau di mesir utk 1st n 2nd year mcm korang. Ana nasihatkan utk study mesia memandangkan blh trus thn 1’ , respected naqeb(student Egypt tahun 4)
‘Yup, memang dedua bagus dan dedua ada pros and cons.Kalau akak jadi kamu yg baru nak masuk tahun 2, mungkin akak akan pilih mesia’ , (senior Egypt MM)

Selamat hari raya AidilAkhbar.. moga ceria selalu…post kali ini adalah untuk memberitahu keputusan yang bakal dibuat yang akan menentukan masa hadapan empunya diri yang menulis.

Ya , itulah yang dihadapi oleh setiap pelajar mesir hampir setiap hari . apabila ditanya saudara-mara ,rakan-rakan  ,guru2 mengenai krisis di mesir, pasti ada kesulitan untuk menjawab. Yelah , mana mungkin seorang hamba yang lemah mampu meramal masa hadapan mesir.kadang2 terpaksa mengambil langkah mendiamkan diri walau ditanya secara umum di fb. Hati masih di mesir tapi jasad sudah di bumi Malaysia yang tercinta. Apakan daya , terpaksa mempertimbangkan pro n kontra belajar di kedua2 tempat.


Jpa(once/twice a year)
Mara (once a month)
Jpa(once a  year)
Skim prihatin 1 malaysia
+/- 150000
Convertible regarding result
+/- 300000
Convertible regarding result
Language barrier
Must fluent in arabic
Only english is required
political unstable
Political stable
Education quality in doctor career
Islamic education
New system , new environment, new friends ,



References = my sister (Egyptian student) , brother(medical officer/Malaysian student)

The results came out seri…

From fb

from my sister-in-law’s friend..MUST READ…


1-future of egypt
x siapa tahu masa depan mesir.ak doakan mesir aman selamanya dan terus menegakkan islam. isu keselamatan di mesir mungkin biasa2 aja bagi mereka yang pernah berada di sana. namun sekarang , apabila kerajaan haram kudeta bertembung dengan penyokong legitimasi , sudah pasti ad yang akan mengambil kesempatan. then, parent cakap if sumting worst(cnth:perang) happen even dh dapat jpa , and kalau ditakdirkan kena balik smbung mesia. no more transfer kredit as this is the only one.oneoff kan..sekali seumur hidup...nak x nak kena amik dari asasi balik... jpa maybe tmung ikut baki duit yg belum digunakan.mcm skrg..

mesir ad jpa n zakat , mesia ad mara , ptptn , n so on...jpa masih belum keluar result. mara di mesia kena mohon. lebih kurang je prosedurnye...masing2 kena tunggu dan lihat..tp mara bukak setiap bulan(sumber pegawai mahsa) and those who get good result , katanya x ada sebab untuk x dapat..tp x boleh gereti dapat.
jpa only once/ twice a year. 

mmg banyak isu doktor oversea kurang kompeten (baca blog di atas), but its depend on  the individual.ad ja dr local yg x kompeten.but if dh study sini , kita akan didedahkan lebih awal tentang segala perkara yg berkaitan semasa di klinikal year. pengalaman seminggu di mahsa sudah cukup untuk menyedarkan ak tentang siapa diri ak dan dengan siapa ak akn berurusan. aku seorang DOKTOR , aku akan berurusan dengan NYAWA orang. satu hakikat yg selalu diabaikan sewaktu di mesir dulu(blajar ala kadar, main2 , masih leka)

after research , time for istikharah. Yelah , apa-apapun berbalik kepada Yang Mengetahui apa yang terbaik buat hamba-Nya. Ada orang cakap lepas solat terus tidur .tp x jadi pun..ada orang cakap ikut kecenderungan..hati masih 50/50 …haih…then ada orang cakap pulak ikut jalan yang dimudahkan…YA ALLAH , permudahkanlah ak untuk membuat keputusan yang betul…

hati makin serabut , parent mintak immediate decision…it’s the final date to give an answer regarding mahsa university offer made by medicmesir and it’s Friday. After a few call to ummi and her husband, I’ve decided to enter mahsa. Just imagine , at 6 0’clock in the evening , the decision has been done ,and  we have to register the next day by 10 o’clock.  So, mana mungkin ak sempat announce in that short moment. Lagipun the offer still depend on kpm. There is still possibility that I can’t pursue my study there. So, ak amik langkah nak diam diri. Maafkan ak sahabat2 yang prihatin. Moga Allah memberkahi kalian yg ikhlas bersahabat denganku….

Semalam , semua sedia maklum yang kpm telah mengeluarkan keputusan permohonan masuk ke ipt tempatan…ada yang gembira, ada pula yang sebaliknya.,,and my result is

Alhamdulilllah , dapat aucms. Sebenarnya parent dh dua tiga kali pergi aucms mintak transfer kredit. Tetapi setiap kali pohon , pegawai aucms akan kata kuota dah penuh. Lokasi pun x jauh dari rumah.
Jimat duit belanja makan dan asrama. So , esok perlu ke mahsa untuk ambil barang dan deposit duit..mula2 dulu mmgberharap dapat aucms..kalo x pergi mesir je balik..tp , Allah lebih mengetahui hikmah disebalik apa  yg diberikan. Batu penghalang untuk sambung di Malaysia pun berkurang disebabkan mereka juga bakal memulakan sesi baru pada 21/10 ..jadi ak akan berorentasi bersama mereka..ini akan memudahkan ak adapt dengan suasana baru as we start from the same point unlike mahsa I start on the middle of the sem…regarding my mother yang nak sangat anak dia jd hafiz , my father suggested me to go for hafiz class once a week at my uncle’s pondok.

 I can’t guarantee that my life will be easier after this..and I can’t  be definitely sure that this is the best choice among others. But I AM SURE THAT I WILL DO MY BEST  once the decision is made. Please support my choice. :) .to my housemate in Egypt, thanks for a lot of things. Nobody can replace your place. Become you housemate is the best thing ever happen to me. To my best friend , mostly among rumah ustadz members ,sc members and mm members , I’m sorry that I kept it secret that I went to mahsa. I’ve never expected that my fate is in penang. Please forgive my mistakes i‘ve made to you..doakan keputusan ini adalah yang terbaik….Moga Allah Redha..:)

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Introduction to kitab safinatunnajah(fiqh syafie books)

Before that, do you know what is the meaning of safinatunnajah…..? it mean bahtera penyelamat…In Shaa Allah..this kitab will help us in our ibadah..:)

              This books was written by salim bin abdullahbin samer al hadrami asshafie. He was a pious person , a qadhi , and a politician , also expert in arming. He was also among seven most popular ulama on that time. He was a person that work hard in his ibadah , sheikh ahmad al hadrawi al maliki said that he used to khatam 30 versus of al quran in his thawaf. Sultan Abdullah Bin Muhsin appoint him to be his advisor as his wide knowledges. One day , his opinion was rejected by the sultan , then , he moved to India. Next , he went to Jawa. He then passed away at Bandar Betawi on 1671. Al-Fatihah~…among his great kitab are
-safinatunnajah.fawaid jaliyyah fi zajri 'an hiyal rabawiyyah…..these kitab are very helpful in the next generation kitab…many of ulama used this kitab to make their own kitab..

First fasal..the easiest part of this kitab..i hope that all of you okay with this..:)


Before I post another fasal…let me ask you a question…the first rukun islam is naik saksi bahawa tiada tuhan selain Allah dan nabi Muhammad adalah pensuruhnya, how dumb people want to say the syahadah?
Second fasal..rukun iman….


*those who say malaikat had gender=male-fasiq =female-kafir
Believe in day of judgement including belive that mizan is there , heaven and hell is true , hisab wiil be done there and only ALLAH know when…


That all for today any question can ask me but I only give what I get…there is a lot more people more faqih in this part…




Farewell my friends, may ALLAH ease your journey.

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone..


My preparation class just end with joys. Today , I want to share some experience that I get there. I used to be in religious school since secondary level. As I first enter my tutorial group , I thought that everyone is the same(same vision of islam , same way). But ….my perception is completely wrong!!! Everyone has their own personalities and knowledge. As I am from a great Islamic college , I'm a bit lack in social interaction with people especially with girls. In the school , I used to talk with girls if and only if I has some important things – with many condition applied such as we are not allowed to look in their eyes , must be at least 2 meter in distance n bla3 . So , to all my friend in group 6 , I want to apologize for my behaviour as I really really really don't know how to socialize myself. And as my background is from Islamic college , I'm a little bit low in my confident and I'm sorry as I don't do my obligation to spread the Islamic knowledge that I've gained. Then , for ikhwah , I can't be closed to all people as I've experience some unwanted tragedy in my life and it do effecting me. The more I know or close with you all the more I afraid that I'll be in the same shoes like I did in my secondary school. I'm sorry and I hope that our ukhwah is based on ALLAH , so that I'll feel more safe.
Hurm…I really2 miss you guys. So , I want to elaborate some personalities that I've discovered in group 6. First of all , our leader , Marwan fathy…I know you as a leader…you're a great person n leader but I hope that you can improve your skills. Luqman , you're the leader of ramadhan programmes and I respect you a lot. Even you're sometimes naughty , but you still futfill your obligation. You can be in any group whether the naughty one or the good one. I envy that personalities. So I hope that you can bring islam in the way you're. hilman!..great friend and assistant. You are not bious in helping others…you help Marwan and I to retype the Arabic script , you help azim to do our group movie, and treat my 1st ramadhan feast at mid…thank you so much ..i hope that Allah guide you till jannah. Abdul Rahman , a cheerful person , non of my messages that I send him unreply. Never berkira2 to top up so that he can keep connect with others…ruzaini… my housemates to be. I remember your word "please appreciate all the personalities that Allah gave us". Thanks for the saying , I feel more confident to interact with all peoples as they will appreciate me the way I appreciate them. Then, jazlee , dash , mujaddid , usamah , azim , n afiq …even though we are not too close but I know that all of you are the best friend that I have…lastly , alibuni..i remember on the first week , you tell me that I'm too serious…yes, that is the way I do and I admit it.. maybe you think that I am arrogant …and one day you give a tazkirah about arrogant ..you give dalil from surah takathur…on that time , your word keep spinning around my head..thank youmy friend for that tazkirah.it really2 reflect who I am actually…In Shaa Allah , I will push myself toward a better me…thank sohabi..till our ukhwah is for Allah and may our friendship last till jannah…
For akhawat , honestly I don't even know some of you all. Adibah , a great leader and hardworking student. Your rank in the top 20 give me some motivation that even we get a very great responsibility , it doesn't effects our academy as long as we can balance our time wisely.i admit that my present inpremedic is only for studies and I neglect my responsibility as ajk ramadhan. I run away from that job as I think I can use my time to study but….(yang dikejar x dapat yg dikendong bercucuran)….thank for that inspiration… so do ala tomey2(khalida)..good name..haha :X..you did prove that the is no stupid question(dr aris used to say that)..you asked a lot in our study group and finally you did it!...top 20 …congrats2…hehe…then nurul , thank for the sketch…it help me a lot to memorize that complicated name…bla3…sab…congrats and thank for the ilmu that you teach me..farah and hawa…good luck in becoming a true muslimah and be confident , show the world that muslim women is powerful as other women…dayah…thank for always photocopying the lecture note faster than the person in charge..hehe…if there any debt , halalkan eh,….and others…gud luck in your studies and be happy…remember that Islam always have the solution for all problems..

                                                       eh x pose eh..kantoi...:)
sori x de gambar sume
That's all for today,..till we meet again in the next post(inshaallah ana akn kongsikan ilmu fekah dan tauhid yg ana dapat di pondok baitulqura' bersama rahman halim.. )…J