Monday 16 April 2012

UnIQuE aNd uNfOrGeTtAbLe cLaSsEs..

  Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone..i've been missing for two days, right? I'm sorry for not updating my blog last two days. Actually , i was busy helping my oldest brother moving his belongings to his new house in the hospital's quarters...Alhamdulillah that they got that house as my sister in law will continue her work as well as nobody's there to take care of my nephew. Thanks Allah as they got that house so that there'll be many people there that can look around my nephew.

  Back to the topic, i reminisced some of my class photo that i just found. On that year, i was the class monitor of 3 Az-zahrawi. On that year , i had  to face many dificulties as the most naughty boy was in my class. How would i  manage this class? That word kept spinning around my head. Luckily , my best friend named Ariff helped me. As he sat beside the naughty boy , so , he's more stress than me actually and respected on how he can handle the situation . Let's pray for him. There were also some guys that always helped me like Zulhilmi , Syafiq Munir , Anas idrus ,Hafis seman , Paan B, and Baim. Thanks guys. Gonna miss you so much.

  Not to forget some girls that i've met in the class like Muflihah , Hanim , Dalilah ,Nabilah , Farah ,Sufida , Zamira , Adibah , Ummul and others in the class. I had a hardworking-genius assistant monitor. She is quite responsible than who i'm actually was.There was a nick name that the people in the class gave us , I'm abi and she's ummi.

   Remember on the English Month? We had to go on a choir and we got the third prizes. It was an unforgettable moment in that class. We had used so many time practising those songs. We also did some decorations on our hand while the other classes did not show any interest to do so and we're the only classes that show ourselves in decorations. We were the first class that gave a show and suddenly the songs were corrupted. We had to do it without the music and we did it successfully..Thank you all my class members for that moment.

  One more class that i wish i'll remember it till the ends was 405/505. It was the most enjoyable and unique class that i had. From that class , i knew the meaning of ukhuwah and the wall between men and girl in handling a responsibality. I have Khuzairi(a person who are very close to me that always motivates me, thanks friend!) , Izzul(always give me a positive respond) , Hafiz(good adviser and brilliant ideas generator) , Adib Fadhuli(genius of the class) , Arif Ya'kob(symbol of mature minds) , Daniel(genius of the class) , Faiz izz(clown of the class and very hardworking), Taufiq Yusoff(rugby man) , Irfan Azmi(close to faiz and also clown of the class) , Dzulsyahmi (good adviser and understanding friend) , Ariff J(silent and shy man and have a lot of problem solution in any problem), Ariff farhan(a good leader and rugby player,funny gus) and Aliff Akmal (islam is the way of life and the solution of all problem) that always help me solving my problem.

      I learned to know each other better in specific, where they live , when were their birthday and i learned on how to adapt  others mischievious based on their character. And girls in the class that always respect me and support me from the back. They always gave me a positive respond on my speech. thank you very much and i'll remember all of you.:)

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